Final fantasy xiii ost blogspot
Final fantasy xiii ost blogspot

final fantasy xiii ost blogspot

I am prepared to accept, in other words, that the positions they currently hold in the ranks of the most mind-blowingly incompetent Pokémon in the game are the result of a terrible, terrible mistake.

final fantasy xiii ost blogspot final fantasy xiii ost blogspot

I am prepared to accept that they may have dramatically miscalculated the importance of a Pokémon’s movepool in comparison to its raw stats. I am prepared to accept that someone at Game Freak once believed Spinda and Delcatty had the potential to be decent Pokémon. It’s more that I’m just a tiny bit FLABBERGASTED that no-one ever spent a few moments just looking at Kricketune and thinking “…maybe this isn’t working quite how we planned.” Again, the idea of a violin-like body, complete with internal sounding chambers, isn’t a problem in and of itself it’s a fun way of expanding on the fact that a cricket’s own body is literally his instrument. Apparently there’s even a village that holds contests of music for Kricketune, which is actually kind of interesting. His flavour isn’t actually terrible the idea of a violinist Pokémon isn’t much of a stretch when you start from a cricket, but they’ve chosen to run with it and make Kricketune a musical genius capable of composing new tunes on the fly. I understand that it’s not that easy to convey “this Pokémon is based on a violinist,” and making his body physically resemble a lute wasn’t a bad idea in principle, but I have to wonder about the quality control that was involved in the execution. The fact that his distended belly reminds me of a starving third-world orphan doesn’t help his case. I honestly don’t know how the designers managed to make Kricketune’s moustache look as pasted-on as it does I would have thought you’d have to try to make something fit the rest of the Pokémon that badly. It’s difficult to articulate why Kricketune’s artwork is so offensive to me maybe on some level my mind rebels against the idea of an insect with facial hair. I can think of only one word to describe Kricketune’s artwork: obnoxious. So… why do I hate Kricketune so much, anyway? I kept him around for a while because I needed a Pokémon who could use Cut, and eventually ditched him for a Parasect when I got far enough in the game to receive Pokémon from Leaf Green. I always hoped he would evolve again, but he never did, the little jerk. You won’t have to put up with this for long though like many Bug Pokémon, Kricketot evolves very rapidly… into Kricketune. He’s also very difficult to train since (on Diamond and Pearl anyway) he knows no attacks other than Growl and Bide, and can only damage other Pokémon by waiting for them to hit him first. Kricketot isn’t an especially clever design and there’s not much to say about him, but he’s cute and reasonably well done. His physical appearance is suggestive of a rotund little man in a neat waistcoat and shiny shoes (he’s supposed to remind you of a conductor), while at the same time including no aspects that are actually out-of-place on a beetle Pokémon. Kricketot is a tiny, brightly-coloured beetle who communicates by knocking his antennae together to make sounds like the chimes of a xylophone. I have always had a soft spot for Kricketot, ever since I caught one shortly after starting Diamond version for the first time. Today I’ll be looking at the musical cricket Pokémon, Kricketune, and his significantly less irritating younger sibling, Kricketot. Well, in any list of the dumbest Pokémon of all time, the bugs were bound to put forward a representative sooner or later.

Final fantasy xiii ost blogspot